Boost Sales with Floating Offers

Display your discounts, coupons, and special offers with a non-intrusive floating button that converts visitors into customers.

No credit card required. 14-day free trial.

Floatly app interface showing floating button and offers panel
Live Demo

Why Choose Floatly?

The smartest way to display offers without disrupting your website experience

Boost Conversions

Increase sales by showcasing your best offers at the perfect moment, without disrupting the user experience.

Easy Setup

Install with a single line of code. No technical knowledge required to manage your offers.

Works Everywhere

Compatible with all website platforms including Shopify, WordPress, Wix, and custom sites.

How Floatly Works

Get up and running in minutes with our simple setup process


Create Your Account

Sign up for Floatly and access your dashboard to start creating offers.


Add Your Offers

Create beautiful offer cards with discounts, coupons, and special promotions.


Install the Code

Copy your unique installation code and paste it into your website.


Go Live

Your floating button appears on your site, ready to showcase your offers.

Floatly dashboard interface

Installation Complete

Your offers are now live on your website

Loved by Businesses

See what our customers have to say about Floatly

"Floatly increased our conversion rate by 27% in the first month. Our customers love how non-intrusive yet accessible the offers are."


Sarah Johnson

E-commerce Manager, FashionBoutique

"The easiest marketing tool we've ever implemented. It took less than 5 minutes to set up and has been driving sales consistently."


Michael Chen

Founder, TechGadgets

"Our customers actually thank us for making our discounts easier to find. Floatly has been a game-changer for our online store."


Emma Rodriguez

Marketing Director, HomeDecor

4.9/5 average rating from 200+ reviews

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Choose the plan that works best for your business


Perfect for small businesses just getting started

  • Up to 5 offers at a time
  • Basic analytics
  • Standard floating button
  • Email support
Most Popular


For growing businesses with more traffic

  • Up to 20 offers at a time
  • Advanced analytics
  • Customizable floating button
  • A/B testing
  • Priority support
  • Remove Floatly branding

Lifetime Deal

One-time payment for lifetime access

  • Up to 10 offers at a time
  • Advanced analytics
  • Customizable floating button
  • Email support
  • Free updates for life

All plans include a 14-day free trial. No credit card required.

Ready to Boost Your Sales?

Join thousands of businesses using Floatly to showcase their best offers and increase conversions.

No credit card required. 14-day free trial.